A $50.00 (non-refundable) registration fee is required for any program listed
FULL DAY PRESCHOOL POSTED RATESNB DESIGNATED CENTRES 1 child - 6 months to 24 months $223.75 per week ($44.75 per day) $105 per week ($21.00 per day) 1 child - 2 year $195.00 per week ($39.00 per day) $90 per week ($18 per day) 1 child – 3 years to 4 years $193.80 per week ($38.76 per day) $90 per week ($18 per day)
*Part-time will be offered only to children age 2 years and up and only if there is a space available. If a group becomes full and a full-time space is required, the part-time parent will then have the option of going full-time or giving up the space to the full-time registrant.
Class year is considered to be in conjunction with the public school year (Sept thru June). All weeks within this class year require payment.
POSTED RATESNB DESIGNATED CENTRES $21.35/day – You must register for a minimum of 2 days per week $7.00 per day $106.75/week – 5 mornings a week $35.00 per week
Class year is considered to be in conjunction with the public school year (Sept thru June). All weeks within this class year require payment.
Weekly fee $110.00 per week Part-time fees for After School $25.00 a day after school program $37.80 a day for full day attendance not included in your contract
There will not be an additional charge for full day attendance due to Anglophone East/Francophone Sud school closures, March break or Christmas holidays. This fee does not cover an extended school closure other than these times indicated previously or MCA school closures that are outside of public school closures.
Summer camp registration is due on or before June 17. Any week or part of a week your child attends during this program requires the weekly fee. All automatic customer withdrawals will be based on the registration. The registration, when signed, will become your contract with Small Blessings for the Summer Camp period.
Weekly fee: $185.00 per week Summer Camp $90.00 per week Kinder Kamp as per Canada-wide/NB Agreement (posted rate $193.80)
User fees will be based on fifty weeks of fifty-two weeks per year for full-time preschool only. The Centre will be closed for one week during the summer months for maintenance purposes. The additional week the child is not present may be taken at the discretion of the parents after the child has been attending the Centre for at least six months.
The one week the Centre will be closed will be the week before the Civic Holiday in August. That Civic Holiday falls on the first Monday of August.
Parents will be required to complete an “authorization for automatic debit form” when registering and the authorized amount will be debited from the client’s account bi-weekly with the amount paying for the 2 weeks that follow the withdrawal date. When there is a fee change, you will be notified in writing of any increases prior to the withdrawal date the changes come into effect.
An additional $15.00 will be charged for each NSF withdrawal. This amount will be added to your next withdrawal along with your regular payment.
Failure to prepay may result in the termination of your registration.
Our fee schedule is designed to cover all expenses, pay our employees a fair wage and provide quality, educational care for your children.
Fees will be reviewed annually and are subject to change.
User Fees are based on 50 of 52 weeks of payment per year for full time students only. After School, Pre-School and Summer Camp Programs do not qualify for this benefit. One non-payment week will apply to the week the Centre is closed to facilitate staff vacation, repairs and maintenance to the building. The other non-payment week, may be taken at any time during the calendar year by giving two weeks’ notice in writing to the Director. Your child cannot attend the Centre during this second free week. This second week only applies after your child has attended the Centre for a minimum of six (6) months and if your child is registered full time.
Parents requiring assistance with childcare costs, please contact the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.